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Our Inspiration

I have explored many ideas and have engraved a variety of products which helped me discover what it is I love to make. I noticed a trend in my interest of personalizing kitchen products which led to the creation of @customspoon. Even though the natural ability to cook isn't one of my gifts, I was blessed to have a father that does cook. He was able to pass his talents to my children by spending countless hours teaching them how to make delicious meals and tasty desserts. Spending time in the kitchen watching them work together was always heartwarming.  

I would describe myself as a curious thinker, some would say analytical. I have an obsession with spreadsheets and planners, but a spiral notebook to scribble my thoughts is usually handy. I've always been interested in how things are made and how different businesses operate. I've been known to dive into rabbit holes to learn how to make all kinds of things that I have no intention of ever making. When I hear about an interesting business, I can't help but dream about and want to discover more about what motivates them and how their business runs. What I love about my business is it satisfies my creative side while stretching the business analytic side. I love word art, phrases, and how sayings relate to daily life. I love to hear the customer stories behind the gift or how they used the spoons in their party or event. Every order is unique and made-to-order for each customer. Having a quality product and a happy customer is good for the soul! 

My husband, Rob, and I celebrate 25 years in 2021. He is an essential ingredient in my  business journey. He does everything from woodworking, keeps the landscape and machinery working well, and always willing to listen to my "good ideas". We have two wonderful children. Our daughter Marina got married in 2020 during the pandemic and has been discovering all about "adulting."  She is a talented illustrator and watercolor artist.  I'm sure this proud momma will show off some of her work here. Our son Nathan is in college and will be graduating Fall 2021 as a mechanical engineer. The college years are a bit different than we imagined for him. He is working hard, and I am also proud of him.  

Giving back has been something I longed to incorporate into my business model. After lots of research, our concept of one spoon will feed another was adopted. See more about our mission here. Over the years, I've been able to grow as a businessperson and also explore many avenues of the engraving business. I have come so far and know I still have so many opportunities for growth ahead of me. It is an exciting adventure and I hope you'll enjoy the journey with me!